First year

Incision Academy is a surgical education platform. It provides access to a wide range of courses of procedures, filmed in 2D and 3D from the surgeon's point of view. Each procedures is described and performed in a standardized step-by-step guide to describe procedures in reproducible "steps" and "sub-steps". The procedures are created by experienced surgeons according to international guidelines. Incision Academy is accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England and endorsed by the European Society of Surgical Oncology. The Academy offers over 300 courses in 15 surgical disciplines with open, laparoscopic and robotic approaches, highlighting the relevant anatomical structures using 3D inlays. Each course offers a film of the procedure, a step by step approach, pre and post operative information, objectives and complications with an emphasis on tips, hazards and risks. Each course ends with a test, which can be passed by answering 70% of the questions correctly. Incision Academy is globally accessible online through any digital device, as well as via an app for IOS and Android, with the possibility to download the courses locally
Incision Academy In Egypt:
Now we have active contract with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank and the college of medicine Asuit University is included in the contract to has:
1-Free Full access to the academy 
2-Free on site training sessions
How to Access incision Academy: www.Incision.Care
Activation code: xXRvyJEAssiU
To register please follow the below steps:
1-Go to 
2-Click "sign in" at the top 
3- Click "register" below the sign-in button.
4-Insert your profile Information
5-Enter The Activation Code : xXRvyJEAssiU  ==> At the end of the form you are asked to present a registration code. This is where you put in the code.
You can directly access the registration page as well through:
Attached: Simple guide on how to use the code for registration with simulation
Facebook link:
incision academy